Knight Vision Read online

Page 11

  As Leah and she sat in the passenger seats of the Cessna, Annie kept her eyes glued on the back of Jeff’s head. He was sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, chatting with Mr. Painter. Wow, she thought, this is really happening. Thinking back, she was still in a state of shock at pulling this trip off so quickly. Smiling to herself, she felt warm all over. There is a God, she thought.

  Seeing her smile, Leah reached over and touched her hand. “You are happy, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “Oh, yeah. I have never been happier,” she replied, touching the back of Leah’s hand.

  “He brings out the best in you,” Leah said. “You glow.”

  “It is strange that you would use that word. Jeff used it to describe me when he first saw me. He said I glowed for him. You know, Leah, I firmly believe he is the one for me. There is not a doubt in my mind. I truly love him,” Annie confessed.

  “It is very obvious from both of you,” Leah told her. “I have been through your last relationships with you and I have never seen you this way or a guy so taken with you. Annie, this is really quick. Aren’t you afraid?”

  “No, I am not afraid. As for it being quick, you are correct. However, I feel like I have known him forever. We have already gotten to the point of finishing each other’s sentence. Leah, he is my other half, my soul mate. We are destined to be together. I feel whole with him. It is not lust, even though the sex is great. I do know the difference; Jess taught me that. This is IT. I would step in front of him and take a bullet; his life means that much to me. I hurt when he hurts; I laugh when he laughs. I have never felt this way before and God forbid if we are not meant to be together. I seriously doubt I will ever feel it again.

  “That is some really heavy stuff,” Leah said thoughtfully. “It is not like you, Annie.”

  “I know.“

  “You cannot love him as much as you loved Scott. You guys were together for years,” Leah said, eyeing her friend closely.

  “Mmm, Scott. Scott was my first love; you never forget your first love. He will always be in my heart. But, to answer your question, I do. Scott possessed me; I do not feel possessed with Jeff. I feel complete with him. When we are not together, I feel empty,” Annie said truthfully. “Maybe that will change when or if the glow wears off, but I doubt it. We fit together too well. Please try to understand.”

  “I envy you, Annie. You are not talking emotionally. You sound like you are stating the facts,” Leah said.

  “Because that is what it is to me, facts.”

  “Good for you, Annie,” Leah said, sitting back against the seat as they prepared to land in Las Vegas.


  In the taxi on the way to the Circus Circus, Jeff held Annie’s hand. “Where is your father staying?” he asked Leah.

  “He is meeting up with his Air Force buddies,” Leah replied. “Your father is amazing,” Jeff said. “Smart guy.”

  “He has his moments,” Leah said, laughing. “Show interest in his toys and you are a friend for life.”

  “I have never ridden in a small plane before. I might have to give serious thought to taking up flying,” Jeff offered.

  “When are we supposed to be here at the airport for the return flight?” Annie asked.

  “Friday, around noon,” Leah said.

  As the cab pulled into the hotel’s entrance, Annie announced, “Okay, guys. We are here.” Let’s check in, put our bags in the room and see if Ron is working tonight.”

  Once settled into the room, the threesome linked arms and wandered around the maze of blackjack tables, scanning for Ron. Leah’s cry of delight told Annie that all was well for her friend for the evening. Spotting Ron, Annie saw his eyes light up as he eyed Leah. “Party on, girl,” Annie said, seeing Leah move into the first-base position at Ron’s table.

  “Hi and bye, Ron,” Annie called in greeting. “Leah, find us on your next break. We won’t wander far.”

  “Okay,” Leah called back.

  “What do you want to do?” Annie asked Jeff as they walked away.

  “Hold you.”

  “Later,” she said. “For now?”

  “I told you.”

  “How about some food? Hungry?”

  “Not for food.”

  “Okay. I will not argue,” she said, reversing course.

  “Leah, you good?” she asked as she got close to the table.

  “Yes, very,” Ron replied for Leah.

  “Cute, Ron. Meet Jeff,” Annie said, seeing Leah blush.

  As the two exchanged greetings, Annie looked at Leah. “We are going to the room,” she said.

  Leah looked at Ron. “She’s good with that,” Ron said.

  “Right,” Annie said, laughing. “Dinner or breakfast?”

  “Breakfast,” Ron answered.

  “Okie dokie, then,” Annie laughed.

  “Have fun, you two,” Ron called as they walked away.

  “We will,” Jeff called back.


  At the elevator, Jeff turned to Annie. “Could you get us something to eat? We will be in for the night and we will need nourishment. I need a few minutes alone in the room before you come up,” Jeff said softly.

  Oh, Jeff. Please don’t foul the room. Use the facilities down here, Annie thought, but held her words. “Sure,” she said, smiling. “Any preference?”

  “No, just give me about fifteen minutes, then come up,” he responded, giving her a quick kiss.

  “Okay,” she said, turning and heading back to the casino floor.

  Annie scanned the perimeter of the casino and noticed that the take-to-your-room fast-food places were crowded. None of the options pleased her. “I have to find something,” she said aloud. Rescanning the options, she noticed the gift shop and moved to it. “They have snacks,” she mumbled.

  Stepping into the gift shop, Annie headed for the food area. Walking down the aisles, she randomly picked up items which looked agreeable to her. Her selection of items would require a knife or something like it. Moving to the display of novelties to find a pocketknife, she figured it would serve her purpose and make a nice gift for Jeff as a reminder of their time in Vegas. She found one with the words ’Viva Las Vegas’ on the side and added it to her items. Her eyes caught the fuzzy dice, hanging off the display case, and eagerly added a pair to her growing pile. They would look great dangling from Jeff’s rearview mirror. Drinks, she thought, are next. Scanning the shop, she spotted the coolers on the far side. Moving towards them and down the tight aisle, she found her path blocked by a guy in a pink shirt. “Excuse me,” she said. To her surprise, she found herself looking into Ron’s eyes. “Hey, where is Leah?”

  “Waiting for me,” he replied, looking at the items in her arms. “Supplies?”

  “Yes. It could be a long night,” she replied, blushing. Annie looked at the item which Ron had in his hand. She recognized the brand name of condoms. “Supplies?”

  “Just stocking up,” he replied, tossing the box up in the air. “It could be a long night.”

  “You are . . .” Annie started, then stopped, trying to search for the right word.

  “What?” he said, seeing her discomfort. “Got to run. Leah is waiting.”

  Annie watched Ron walk away. “Yeah, treat her good, Ron,” she called.

  “Yes, ma’am. I will,” Ron laughed.

  Shaking her head, Annie glanced at the Personal Items display. “Don’t need you,” she whispered to the hanging boxes of condoms. She had been on the pill for years to ’regulate’ her cycle. Her eyes caught the area of the display for lotions and oils. Without hesitating, she reached out and grabbed the cherry-flavored oil. Might be fun, she reasoned.

  With the addition of the soda, Annie stepped up to the register and placed the items in her arms down on the counter to be rung up. She laughed to herself as she looked at her selection. She definitely had sex on the mind for before her was a beef stick, a log of hard cheese, a sleeve of crackers, bottles of soda, a tube of cherry-flavored oil, a pocke
tknife and the fuzzy dice. All that is missing is the chocolate-covered strawberries, Cool Whip, fur-covered handcuffs and a whip, she mused.

  Still giggling at her thoughts, she entered the elevator. I am a sick puppy, she said to herself.


  As she softly knocked on their door, she could hear soft music, coming from the other side. “Jeff,” she called.

  “Close your eyes, Annie,” he called to her through the door.


  “Close your eyes, please,” he directed again.

  “Okay. They are closed.”

  She heard the door open and felt his hand on her arm. “Please leave them closed until I tell you to open them,” he purred, taking the bag out of her hand. Annie felt herself being guided into the room. “Trust me,” he whispered, feeling her resistance.

  “I do,” she said softly. Since her eyes were close, her other senses took over. She heard Kenny’s voice, playing softly in the background. She smelled the aroma of flowers and burning wax. He had prepped the room, she thought. “What have you done?” she asked.

  “You didn’t give me much notice. You will have to use your imagination.”

  “Can I open my eyes?”

  “Not yet,” he directed, taking her purse from her shoulder. “Don’t talk; just feel.”

  “I surrender,” she giggled. Annie felt the texture of silk glide over her face and her giggle was replaced with a moan. She had the strong urge to open her eyes, but held back. This was his scene; she would follow his plan.

  “I don’t want you to cheat,” he whispered as she felt him use the silk material and covered her eyes. “Now, I am sure,” he said, knotting the material behind her head.

  “Oh, Jeff. You are wicked,” she sighed.

  “You are way too overdressed for this occasion,” he said, moving around her. “Allow me to do something about it.”

  Annie immediately raised her arms over her head. She heard him chuckle. “A little eager?” he asked. She only nodded in response. “Easy, Annie. Relax; we have all night,” he said, pulling her arms down to her side.

  “Open your mouth,” he requested. Annie dropped her chin and visualized herself as a baby bird who was waiting to be fed. She felt him insert something into her mouth and involuntary inhaled through her nose. She immediately recognized it, a chocolate-covered strawberry. A knowing, deep laugh bubbled up and escaped before she could stop it. Taking a bite of the strawberry, she was pleasantly surprised at the creaminess of the chocolate. It was not the hard-coated, chocolate ones she had tasted in the past.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, surprised at her laugh.

  “I was just wondering when the fur-covered handcuffs come out,” she said in mirth.

  “Oh, sorry, honey,” he laughed softly. “I left them at home.”

  “Shucks, I was hoping,” she purred.

  “I don’t want you to be disappointed. I could use the scarf,” he offered in a low voice, reaching around her.

  “No, I was kidding,” she reported loudly. “I am not in to that, really.”

  “I know,” he said softly, laughing. “Now, where was I?”

  Relaxing again, she laughed. “Feeding me chocolate-covered strawberries,” she reminded him. “Jeff, I have never had soft chocolate on my strawberries before. Where did you find them?”

  “I told you to use your imagination. I had to improvise. You did not allow me much time,” he replied. “It is one of the reasons for your blindfold.”


  “I was unable to find any at the store last night on my way home. So, I used the next best thing, canned frosting,” he explained.

  “Clever,” she laughed. “It works. Could I have another?”

  “Yes, my lady,” he said, placing another strawberry into her mouth. “Savor that while I do something about you being overdressed.”

  Fully undressed by him, Annie did not feel one bit shy. “Now what?” she asked softly. “Another strawberry?”

  “Yes and more,” he said, moving away from her.


  “Imagine a long-stem champagne flute filled with bubbly, gold liquid,” he said, coming to stand beside her.

  “Okay, I got it.”

  “Now, sip,” he directed, placing a cup to her lower lip.

  Tilting her head back, she took a sip. The ice in the plastic cup hit her upper lip as the bubbles escaped the rim, causing her nose to twitch. “Apple cider?” she guessed.

  “Yes,” he replied, laughing.


  “A little demanding,” he chuckled.

  “This is your party. I am here for the fun.”

  “Spoiled brat,” he teased.

  “You bet,” she confirmed.

  “Okay, brat. We are moving,” he said playfully.

  “Which way?”

  “Just follow my lead and shut up,” he informed her.

  On her bare feet, Annie felt his arm guide her to the left. As her foot touched the cold bathroom floor, she smiled. “Stand here a second,” he said, releasing her.

  She heard him turn on the water in the tub. A blindfolded bath. This is a new one, she thought.

  “I am back,” he said, pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply. Annie reached her arms around him. To her surprise, he was fully clothed. It dawned on her that it was their first body-to-body contact since she entered the room.

  “I am a spoiled brat,” she informed him as he pulled back.


  “I just learned you are still dressed. I have been so consumed by my own needs, I have not thought of yours,” she admitted.

  “No worries, Annie. You are fulfilling my needs quite nicely,” he answered softly, pulling her close to him. “This is a real turn-on for me. Don’t you realize it?”

  “Oh, I do now that you pointed it out to me,” she said, feeling his growing need against her. “May I now remove the blindfold?”

  “No,” he said, releasing her. She heard him turn off the water as the scent of bubble gum enveloped her.

  “Bubble gum?”

  “It was all I could find,” he replied, splashing the water in the tub. “Use your imagination. You are in a field of wildflowers. It just happens to be a field of bubble-gum-scented wildflowers, but you get the idea,” he chuckled.

  “A bubble bath?”

  “Yes,” he said, stepping beside her. “Your bath is waiting, my lady.”

  Shaking her head, she let him lead her to the edge of the tub.

  “Share,” he directed.


  “Your thoughts. I saw you shake your head.”

  “My thoughts?” she said softly. “They are many, but the one I was just thinking is how you are changing my world.”

  “Your world?” he said quietly.

  “Yes. I will never be able to smell the scent of bubble gum again without thinking about this moment,” she shared.

  “Your mind is amazing,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. “Now, lift your leg.”

  As she descended into the hot water, Annie sighed, “This is the life.”

  “Relax,” he whispered. “I will be right back.”

  “Mmm,” she moaned in response.

  Annie heard the sound of the music increase as she reclined in the tub. He is bringing in the player, she mused. “Nice touch,” she purred as she heard him reenter the bathroom.

  “Legs up,” he whispered. Without hesitation, she did as directed. As her legs came out of the water, he stepped into the tub in front of her. She giggled as she felt the water level rise to the top of the tub and splash onto the floor.

  “Lower them,” he said, pulling them around him as she did. This action brought her forward and placed her soundly on his lap. Laughing at the mental image of the wave of water from her forward thrust, she cried, wrapping her arms around him, “You animal.”

  “Yes, I am,” he confirmed, reaching out and removing her blindfold. “I
require the view of your bedroom eyes.”

  “I love you for this,” she said, gazing into his eyes. “I don’t know how to ever thank you for making this so very special.”

  “I have an idea,” he said, pulling her to him.

  Annie looked around the room as he buried his head against her breast. She spotted the candles on the counter and laughed lightly. ’Use your imagination,’ she heard his words in her head and closed her eyes. They are long taper candles, not the number-shaped ones usually displayed on kids’ birthday cakes.


  The next morning, Annie and Jeff were taking a shower when the phone rang in the room. “Be right back,” Annie said, hopping out of the shower and running into the room.

  “Hello,” she said breathlessly.

  “Busy?” Leah asked.

  “Taking a shower,” Annie said, looking down at the puddle of water which was growing at her feet. “What’s up?”

  “I might ask the same question,” Leah laughed.

  “Cute,” Annie sighed.

  “Want to meet at Denny’s on the Strip for breakfast?” Leah offered. “We should be there in about an hour.”

  “Sure,” Annie said. “See ya there.”

  Dashing quickly back to the shower, she hopped back into the space she had vacated. “Breakfast in one hour,” she reported.

  “One hour,” Jeff purred, lathering up the washcloth again for her. “We should make it.”

  “Jeff, please. I need to eat,” she said as the soapy washcloth began to move across her body.


  They arrived at the restaurant on time. Annie immediately spotted Leah and Ron. Moving to the table, she caught the grin on their faces as they watched them cross to join them. “Much sleep?” Ron asked.

  “Nope,” Jeff responded, laughing. “You?”

  “I am famished,” Annie cried as she scooted into the booth, giving the guys an evil look. “I need coffee.”

  “Oh, she has horns this morning,” Ron cried.

  “Stop it, Ron,” Leah laughed, turning to him and ruffling his hair. “Ron doesn’t work today. He has offered to show us the non-tourist side of town.”